Do Good Jamaica > Blog > General > Our new project, Happy House

Our new project, Happy House

Our new project, Happy House is a place for children to play and be happy, to learn and develop through play, as they should. Available to all children in the community after school, weekends and holidays. Visiting children can come during school hours on select days. Happy House has developmentally appropriate learning tools and toys for the early childhood age group, which is up to 8 years old. Of course, we have our own early childhood educator in the Happy House.

Happy House was created with kids in mind. Red, yellow and blue are primary colours – learned by children all over the world as such. Pink trim is a special nod to creativity and girls.

Our first Happy House is in Treasure Beach. It is located in a beautiful one a kind facility – Breds Foundation’s 17 acre sports park that also has tennis, football, cricket, basketball, boxing, yoga, General Colin Powell Challenge Course and a ninja course. Do Good Jamaica has plans for many more Happy Houses across Jamaica and the world.
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“Other areas in the park are supported by partners like Do Good Jamaica, who conceived the Happy House. The philosophy of the space is centered on a primary question: what makes children genuinely happy? Activities like art and craft, dance and drama are designed to reflect and encourage the things that make children and their families feel happiest.”  Read more here on the UNICEF blog